How is your training delivered?

We deliver training in 3 levels of deployment complexity from super simple to fully interactive. All content is delivered as SCORM compliant files that are device and operating system agnostic.


Our interactive PDF modules and backgrounders are simple and simply fantastic. They provide need-to-know information in thoughtful instructional designs with “ah-ha!” moment graphics. Our interactive PDFs are ready to be delivered to your learners via your LMS or email.


Add a bonus to interactive PDFs for your learners. Executive summaries, presentations for live training, and stand-alone key terms glossaries reinforce the solid learning of our interactive PDF products.


For the most engaging experience, this option may be delivered as responsive eLearning, fully-interactive branched eLearning, or even virtual reality, depending on the most effective teaching tool for the topic. This option includes the mini learning system training pieces described above.

Why off-the-shelf training?

Because Alphie creates training independent of your commercial efforts and retains the copyright, some clients have found our training does not need to undergo medical-legal-regulatory review or may go through an abbreviated review process. We’re happy to meet with your review team and discuss your options.

In addition, we’re able to create high-quality training at an affordable price. Because content development is complete, you know how much your training will cost—avoiding any additional scope charges.

Who are your expert reviewers?

Our bench of reviewers runs deep with physicians and other healthcare providers, pharmacists, PhD scientists, biopharmaceutical industry veterans, leaders from academia, and learning theory experts.
In many cases, we include our reviewers names and experience in our materials.

Any other questions?

We’d love to answer them! Email our team at info@alphietraining.com.